Core Sales UK Limited

Core Sales UK Limited

Global electronic component distributor and trusted supply chain partner.

Supply chain solutions from your trusted

Electronic components distributor

You’re increasing the pace of innovation, and coresales is the global electronic component distributor who is with you every step of the way. Our dynamic strategic sourcing team is dedicated to supporting your growth and success across the globe.

Reliable, integrated, innovative solutions for

Electronic components

Component Shortage Sourcing

Our global sourcing experts find EOL components to extend the life of your equipment through our large line of vetted suppliers and industry-leading counterfeit avoidance protocols.

Cost reduction​

We integrate innovative electronic component supply chain solutions to boost your bottom line and reduce cost of inventory ownership.

Quality Inspections​

Our experienced quality inspectors and engineers provide the industry’s most robust counterfeit avoidance and detection protocols, providing our customers with unmatched supply chain security.

Obsolescence Management​

We reduce or eliminate the financial impact of excess electronic component inventory and recover your capital from material loss.

Proprietary Software Suite​

Our global, integrated software lets us quickly meet the needs of every component buyer in a timely manner.

Distinctive Culture​

Our strong organizational values influence the kind of workplace we provide for our employees as well as the kind of partnership we offer our customers.

Quality Inspection

Trusted security from start to finish

With our secure inspection and warehousing space, our experienced quality inspectors and engineers provide the industry’s most robust counterfeit avoidance and detection protocols, offering our customers unmatched supply chain security.